A skin care professional’s main goal is to treat and study the science of skin, but their service does so much more than what meets the eye. It is important to understand and uphold the service aspect of the business as well as the way aesthetics services can affect the lives of clients. Clients must trust their service provider’s expertise but also sense that the…

Better with Age

Written by Lydia Sarfati
Of all skin concerns, antiaging continues to be the most prevalent across all age groups. The global antiaging market is expected to surpass around $119.6 billion by 2030.1 42% of women ages 25 to 34 and 54% of those aged 35 to 44 worry about signs of aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and lost facial volume. More than a quarter, 28%, of the women surveyed…
Chemical peels are versatile, simple, and effective ways to improve skin and help clients succeed on their journey to healthy and more youthful-looking skin. Chemical peels were ranked among the top five minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in 2019 by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This procedure is excellent for improving tone, texture, hyperpigmentation, acne, wrinkles, laxity, and acne scarring. There are many devices and…
Chemical peels have been around since the ancient Egyptians applied sour milk (lactic acid) to their skin to enhance their appearance. With a long list of benefits, such as exfoliation, acne reduction, improved skin texture, and the reduction of hyperpigmentation and fine lines, chemical peels have become an increasingly popular treatment of choice because they offer a solution for a variety of clientele. Chemical peels…
Inspired by mother nature’s natural regenerative power, S²RM technology is a scientific breakthrough in skin and hair care. Designed to help improve the quality of life for people suffering from a myriad of skin concerns and conditions, this technology is safe, healthy, and contains no genetic material. From severe trauma such as burns, oncology treatments, and wounds to chronic and aesthetic concerns, stem cell-released molecules…

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • Face Reality Skincare