Better with Age

Written by Lydia Sarfati
Of all skin concerns, antiaging continues to be the most prevalent across all age groups. The global antiaging market is expected to surpass around $119.6 billion by 2030.1 42% of women ages 25 to 34 and 54% of those aged 35 to 44 worry about signs of aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and lost facial volume. More than a quarter, 28%, of the women surveyed…


Written by Pia Kynoch, owner, holistic skin therapist, and naturopath at Verve Skin Beauty Wellness
The mysteries of aging that control an individual’s lifespan, and the way they look and feel, are still yet to be completely unraveled, despite the many scientific advances in all the relevant fields of medicine, genetics, health, and wellness. Aging is truly a complex collaboration involving epidemiology, psychology, and cell biology, and there is no single theory that satisfactorily explains all aspects of aging. A…
What is a person’s true age? Is it the age they feel? Is it the age they look? Or, is it the age they actually are? When young, age seems to be far off in the distance. Many look forward to each birthday and celebrate with parties and gifts. As they get older, most seem to expect and accept some of the minor signs of…
Skin aging is a multifaceted process that is contingent upon a number of factors and causes. Though genetics may be predetermined and shape the pace of aging, extrinsic factors significantly affect and accelerate the process. As skin matures, it is common for dry skin problems to follow, as increased transepidermal water loss (TEWL) can lead to impaired barrier function and dry skin (xerosis). Both skin…
Skin analysis is considered the most important part of a facial. Using a magnifying lamp, the aesthetician looks at a client’s tone and texture and is able to determine what skin care regimen should be used to improve skin concerns. Collagen gives skin its thick, plump appearance and elastin is what makes it snap back quickly. Is your client’s skin smooth or rough? Are there…

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  • DMK Skin Revision Center
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care
  • Skin Script