Skin is the largest organ of the body, covering and protecting from outside attacks by physical trauma, chemical reactions, or microbial invaders. Skin of the average adult human exceeds 22 square feet yet is generally no thicker than 2 millimeters, or 1/16 of an inch. It regulates body temperature through sweating, detects information from objects by touch, and acts as a sun shield to protect…
It is that time of year again – clients go see their aestheticians and laser technicians about correcting the sun damage and hyperpigmentation before the warmer seasons come about. What can licensed professionals do to treat clients for this extremely common skin condition? But before that, what is hyperpigmentation and how can it be stopped or prevented? {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18,43,44"} HIGHLIGHTING HYPERPIGMENTATION The primary cause of…
Skin lightening, brightening, illuminating, whitening, and beyond are common treatment incentives. Yet, clients get confused with the obscure lines of distinction between these formula functions. Are you clear on the difference? The scores of skin tone modifiers in the industry far outweigh the comprehensive scope of their true impact on skin. Skin tone modification is a significantly more complex matter than global societies give attention…
The question of the best approach to treating hyperpigmentation is one of the most commonly asked questions in skin care today. Hyperpigmentation remains a tenacious and frustrating condition to successfully master even for the most seasoned skin care professional. Melanin plays an essential role in preventing ultraviolet light-induced skin damage. Stimulation of the melanocytes results in the release of tyrosinase, an enzyme that converts tyrosine…
Clients’ faces are under a lot of pressure. They are a big part of an individual’s identity as they show emotion, connect to others, and represents the person as a whole, especially in a digital world. Commonly used phrases such as “face the day,” “put on a brave face,” and “face your fears,” represent the connection between the emotional state and one’s appearance. But for…

Skin Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Repechage
  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care