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The irony is not wasted on me as I write the mature skin issue’s publisher’s note year after year. As children, getting older means a rite of passage. As adults, getting older means more preventative measures. No one is excited when they finally become a candidate for a face-lift. That being said, being a woman of a certain age does not have the same old…
As I draft this note in 2022, I cannot help but look to the future and wonder what 2023 will hold. Will it bring groundbreaking advances in technology? Will TikTok takeover as theorized? Or maybe, it will be just another year around the sun with days full of skin transformations. One thing that is for sure, licensed skin professionals of all calibers will start businesses…
Goodbye 2022! It has been fun, but it is time for a new era. Before that can begin, we must close off the year with my favorite special section of the magazine, the Cover Contest. Coming in on its third year of creation, let me be the first to formally introduce the winner, Iysha C. Wedderburn – thank you for representing the magazine this month.…
November has arrived! It brings the season of sweater weather, giving thanks, and for DERMASCOPE readers, the best in generic hormonal education. Living with a hormonal skin condition myself, I am especially proud of this issue because of all the potential clients it can help. So, sit back and relax. It is time to go beneath the surface. The first primary article of this lineup…
Oh, look – another glorious October! It makes me wonder where the year has gone. We are just a few months away from 2023, which means there are big things in the works. In the meantime, readers can consume another issue of DERMASCOPE – but stay tuned. October is all about acne! Whether dealing with teenage acne, stress-induced blemishes, or the occasional comedone, this issue…

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