More to Live For

The irony is not wasted on me as I write the mature skin issue’s publisher’s note year after year. As children, getting older means a rite of passage. As adults, getting older means more preventative measures. No one is excited when they finally become a candidate for a face-lift. That being said, being a woman of a certain age does not have the same old negative connotations it once did. People can now find the prime of their lives when they are in their 40s, 50s, and beyond.
In contrast, this issue is about getting wiser, not necessarily older. Beauty is sustainable at any age and can differ from person to person – youth is but a concept. This is an idea I hope catches on as quickly as neon lights have for treatment rooms.
While perusing this issue, leave behind preexisting notions of what getting older means for professionals and clients alike. This certainly does not mean having no choice but to wait for mother nature’s forces to wreak havoc – quite the contrary actually. It means that we are not those who came before us. We have more choices, freedom, and, most importantly, sincerity. Let the days pass because it only means more to live for. Cheers!

Beauty by Tifini Skin + Brow Bar

Beauty by Tifini Skin + Brow Bar is a hidden gem tucked away in the heart of Huntington Beach, California, serving clients since 2016. This studio is part urban jungle, part modern boho chic and serves up some serious transformations! The owner, Tifini Hartman, is definitely obsessed with skin, but eyebrows are her first love. She is a well-loved eyebrow shaping and microblading artist, so much so that clients have called her the “Brow Whisperer,” among other titles. At BBT, Hartman and her staff pride themselves on educating every client about the purpose of each recommended treatment or product. The desire to meet and exceed every client’s individual needs drives everything they do.

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Take a Chance on Spring

Readers may be in need of a spring in their step this spring as temperatures start to rise and the opportunity for new revenue fills the air. A new season calls for new services, new clients, and new chances. Whichever way one takes, there is no hiding that hair removal can make a sturdy foundation for a beauty kingdom. 

Where there is hair removal, there is the need for exfoliation – hence, the co-themed March issue. The two topics are often intertwined, but in addition to the latest in pre- and post-care for hair removal and how to prioritize client safety, read up on selecting the best hydro- or microdermabrasion machine for your practice and how clients can take their at-home body exfoliation to the next level.

 Whether professionals already wax, sugar, thread, zap or are considering bringing on or specializing in a hair removal or exfoliation modality, this issue will help along the way. Not every success story looks the same, so it is imperative to experiment and find out what works for the individual professional, rather than what is hot and trending. It is a marathon, not a race. 

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Wax On




As I draft this note in 2022, I cannot help but look to the future and wonder what 2023 will hold. Will it bring groundbreaking advances in technology? Will TikTok takeover as theorized? Or maybe, it will be just another year around the sun with days full of skin transformations.  

One thing that is for sure, licensed skin professionals of all calibers will start businesses and solo practices. An adventure that is not for the faint of heart, owning a small business is not a simple, one-and-done task. However, there are those who have never had another choice but to work for themselves, myself included. This issue goes out to all the future and current entrepreneurs who are building or renovating their empire from the ground up. Whether they are plotting the perfect time to branch out or need help figuring out the paperwork, this issue can help navigate the terrain. 

 In addition to the primary education, readers will find new and revamped departments in the magazine all around. And for this particular issue, be sure to check out the special section, “Main Events” to prepare for the coming year full of industry excursions.   

Social Media Links December

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Famous Formulations




Thinking Green


The Professional Playbook



Onward & Upward

Goodbye 2022! It has been fun, but it is time for a new era. Before that can begin, we must close off the year with my favorite special section of the magazine, the Cover Contest. Coming in on its third year of creation, let me be the first to formally introduce the winner, Iysha C. Wedderburn – thank you for representing the magazine this month.  

In addition to the very special cover, this issue features generic education all about the basis of skin care: ingredients. While readers will not find a glossary of actives within these pages, they will find a guide to how skin is able to accept these topical formulations, a spotlight on lesser-known ingredients, and the scale of ingredient grades throughout the skin care market.  

The first article is written by long-time collaborator, Courtney Sykes, a licensed professional who has made a splash for herself as a knowledgeable aesthetics instructor. Read her article, “Chain Reaction” for a tour of cosmetic chemistry and her perspective on the benefits of generic education.  

The second article, “Hidden Gems” comes from Janel Luu, founder and CEO of Le Mieux Cosmetics and PurErb Herbology-based Skincare & Aromatherapy. Readers can discover the ingredients they may have been overlooking and more in this feature editorial. 

The last primary article highlights the consumer skin care market so service providers can attempt to keep up with the plugged-in client. From a breakdown of the consumer ingredient options to the marketing that is bombarding clients daily, catch up with the article “In the Know” by Amra Lear.  

December is always packed with so much industry excellence; it is almost impossible to end the year without a bang. We hope readers – new and old – have enjoyed being a part of the DERMASCOPE family. Until next year!   




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Internal Interruptions


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Next Level



Beneath the Surface

November has arrived! It brings the season of sweater weather, giving thanks, and for DERMASCOPE readers, the best in generic hormonal education. Living with a hormonal skin condition myself, I am especially proud of this issue because of all the potential clients it can help. So, sit back and relax. It is time to go beneath the surface. 

The first primary article of this lineup inspired the selected cover for this issue. Titled “A Man’s World,” the article is written by the CEO of GM Revolution, Michael McGuire. McGuire is passionate about normalizing skin care for all men as a part of a basic hygiene and health routine, and his first primary article does not disappoint. Discover what a spa needs to draw in this blossoming group of clients.  

The second article titled “In the Family Way” covers the challenges skin may face when under the influence of pregnancy and what can be done postpartum. From melasma and rosacea to stretch marks and acne, learn it all from DERMASCOPE Ambassador and editorial advisory board member, Dasha Saian Marchese.  

Shifting the subject from the beginning of something to the end of an era, “Change of Life” is an article about the hormonal happenings of skin before, during, and after menopause, written by national director of education for G.M. Collin Skin Care, Karen Asquith. Explore how to support clients who find themselves here by understanding what exactly is happening to their bodies and what skin care professionals can do to help.  

The final article comes from industry educator, Mary Nielsen, and it explores the topic of transgender clients. Whether a client is beginning their transitioning journey or on the road of maintenance, it is important for skin care professionals to know how to treat every face that walks through their doors. Discover the considerations in the article, “Safe Space.”  

In addition to all this excellent education, this issue features an exclusive article on sheet masks. A user favorite on all fronts, learn what should be considered when selecting products for the spa. This issue really does go beneath the surface of skin treatment. We hope readers receive a few key takeaways on their path of becoming the best they can be.  


Social Media Links October

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Webinar: Acne Best Practices


Webinar: Next Generation Peel


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Unlocking Holiday Success 


Acne Treatments for Men & Women


Nutrition & Acne Inflammation


Aerosol Alternatives


Facial Hair & Acne




Staying Educated

Oh, look – another glorious October! It makes me wonder where the year has gone. We are just a few months away from 2023, which means there are big things in the works. In the meantime, readers can consume another issue of DERMASCOPE – but stay tuned.  

October is all about acne! Whether dealing with teenage acne, stress-induced blemishes, or the occasional comedone, this issue has got readers covered. In addition to all the acne education, be sure to check out the exclusive article on the beauty and eyelash market, written by celebrity makeup artist Nydia Figueroa.  

This issue’s roundup of primary articles begins with “Out of Sight,” an article written by DERMASCOPE Ambassador, Michelle Robertson. This editorial looks at the invisible effects acne can have on clients – emotional trauma and how skin care professionals can offer empathy and positivity in a time of stress and low confidence.  

Shifting the acne focus to reflect whole-body therapies, the second primary is written by lead in-house aesthetician and The Aesthetic Report co-host, Elizabeth Brasher. “The Big Picture” covers holistic dermatologic practices and how this school of thought can be integrated into a skin care professional’s existing acne treatment approach.  

The third primary article comes from Face Reality Skincare’s lead educator and A-Lister, Alex Hernandez. An acne expert of acne experts, explore her article “Focused Formulations,” diving into the world of acne product formulations. From base ingredients to specialty ingredients, learn what it means to know a product inside and out.  

The last article for this lineup is from 2022 editorial advisory board member, Beatrice Van. Although homecare is the ticket to long-term success when it comes to skin health, supporting acne clients in the treatment room may be the answer to getting them to commit. Discover the in-spa possibilities for treatment plans that work with the article “In-Spa Acne.” 

Acne is one of the skin conditions that leaves clients desperate for answers, especially in the face-tuned social media climate we live in today. Because of this, it is important to be able to give clients the relief and tools of care they so desperately seek. Stay eager. Stay educated. And we will see you next month.  

Social Media Links September

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TCA & Jessner’s Peels


The Peel Treatment & COVID-19


Getting Out of Sticky Situations



Ready or Not

How is the summer already coming to an end? Soon, we will have to say bye-bye to family vacations and long summer days and hello to spiced pumpkin (enzyme) and every aesthetician’s favorite time of year: peel season. Naturally for this reason, the September issue brings readers the very best in peel education and preparation. Grab those brushes, bowls, and fans. Corrective skin care waits for no one.  

The first primary article for the issue is brought to readers by new DERMASCOPE Ambassador and chemical peel specialist, Erin K. Bradford. Covering the topic of pre- and post-care for peels, discover how customized regimens build clients’ skin from the ground up in the article, “Ever After.”  

Diving into a subject that requires the utmost care, “Deeper Shades of Skin” explores how to confidently qualify a client who falls on the higher end of the Fitzpatrick scale for a peel. Written by DERMASCOPE Ambassador and self-care expert Victoria “Tori” Prince, be sure to check out this must-read, which includes a killer reference list.  

The feature article of this issue was written by CEO and president of VI Peel, Marya Khalil-Otto. Learn how to choose the perfect peel partner to boost the bottom line. From the best tips on how to take the most impressive before and after images to a breakdown of a successful spa’s marketing efforts, draw clients in with the article, “Peel, Please!”  

Closing the peel issue, readers will find “Serving Body,” an article by Institut’ DERMed founder and DERMASCOPE editorial advisory board member, Lyn Ross. Body treatments should be a key part of any treatment menu, as the skin care professional should be concerned with treating all matters of skin. Unlock the potential with this body peel article prepared to serve.  

Out of the many tools in the aesthetics toolbox, peels have become one of the most versatile options for many client concerns. Mild, medium, or hot, there is a peel out there for almost everyone. Peel season and the client possibilities are approaching.  

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Match Point



Ready to Be of Service

With summer nearing its end, most people naturally begin to look to the coming season of change. Whether it is the weather, trends, or routines, it is comforting to know that the only guaranteed thing is change. Clients dealing with sensitized skin and compromised barriers can find comfort in this fact as well. They may be frustrated with their skin condition, ready to see results, and skin care professionals can guide them every step of the way. As readers know, the journey will be nothing less than complex, but with this latest issue of DERMASCOPE by their sides, they rest reassured that there is always more information ready to be of service.  

Beginning with the first article for this theme, readers can dive into “Cleaning House,” an article written by Alexandria Professional’s Lina Kennedy. This article discusses the loose definition of clean beauty. As skin care professionals know, clients with sensitized skin can benefit from simple, “clean” formulations, but because this term does not have black and white guidelines, product selections can get confusing. Learn about what should be considered in this must-read.  

The featured primary education article for the month comes from none other than our lead in-house aesthetician, Elizabeth Brasher. An author very close to home, read her article “Compromised Complexions” to better understand impaired skin barriers, what to look for, and how to help. 

Closing with a special topic of aesthetic care for oncology clients, Becky Kuehn of Oncology Spa Solutions brings readers, “Accessible Aesthetics.” From a brief history of oncology aesthetics to selecting the right oncology training for success, do not skip this article written by an industry pioneer.  

In addition to all the fabulous education this issue includes, readers can flip to the pages of The A-List of 2022. After many nominations from readers and followers, this year’s list of industry professionals was curated from the cream of the crop – professionals that are changing the very face of the aesthetics world. With so much beauty brilliance and education in one issue, it is no wonder DERMASCOPE continues to be the authority on professional skin care.  

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Get Your Glaze On: Activating Your Nightly Glow


A Balancing Act:  Hydration for Acne Prone Skin


Poreless Perfection: Glass Skin Makeup


Stylish Skin Care

It was not too long ago when the matte, overdone look was the hottest beauty commodity around. The contour palette and dark, dramatic eyebrows were the only options, and skin care was on the backburner. Thankfully, the tides have changed, and healthy, glowing skin is being recognized for the allure it possesses. As skin care professionals rejoice in the fact that their clients are excited about what their dedicated skin care routines can bring instead of covering their flaws, DERMASCOPE brings readers the hydration issue – the glow guide on how to secure radiant complexions for clients and beyond.  

The first article to discuss the pursuit of glowing, healthy skin examines the role of nutrition and water intake for an optimally functioning skin barrier. Although skin care professionals cannot recommend dietary habits to clients, it is crucial to have all the information for initial and ongoing consultations when it comes to skin health. Get a breakdown of how to properly nourish skin with Andrea Gregaydis’ article, “Fueling Up.” 

Next up is Colette Brown’s article, “Glow On.” Brown dives into the importance of selecting the right ingredients for skin hydration and balance. Discover what letchin, Symphytum officinale, phenethyl alcohol, and more can do for client complexions. Furthermore, determine what else should be considered when making product selections for the spa.  

Continuing to look beyond ingredient decks is “Matrisome Maintenance,” an article written by AIA Legend, Lydia Sarfati. Read up on the importance of hydrating product formulations, maintaining proper water balance within skin cells, and more with this must-read from an industry legend.  

The last stop on readers’ journeys to hydration is “Hydration Harmony.” This article comes from 2022’s Favorite Contributing Writer and DERMASCOPE Ambassador, Nichelle Mosley. Explore the spa’s options when it comes to in-spa hydration treatments. From oxygen therapy and paraffin wax to jelly masks, become familiar with the choices for various clients.  

The industry may change at a moment’s notice, but two things that will never go out of style is a healthy skin barrier and proper hydration levels. The rest of the world is finally catching up to this notion, and the client pool has never been larger. 

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Software & the Spa


There’s an App for That


Sun Smart




Aesthetics of the Future

As a millennial, I have repeatedly experienced “technology of the future” with the eruption of social media and smart phones happening fairly early in my life. I was there for the rise and fall of Myspace, when iPhone became king, and when beauty tutorials were not a click away but a trial-and-error process that resulted in many unflattering, low-resolution photos.

Today, clients and prospective clients have never been more interested in investing in their well-being, and as a result their appearances, because of the accessibility of education thanks to technology. By taking this concept a step further and moving it inside the treatment room, beauty professionals essentially have their careers on a string.

The first article that delves into this concept is “Upper Hand,” an article

by Sarah Jane McGrath. The pandemic bought on many new ways of life, including the growing popularity of skin care and many hand-held gadgets that can help clients’ skin goals along. While the right at-home device can work wonders, clients may be tempted to waste their time on the latest toy taking over TikTok or Target, so it is important to have the right recommendations ready.

The next article tackles the many specialty equipment possibilities available to spas. Because devices such as full-body LED beds, flotation tanks, and infusion devices require a robust investment, it is in a spa’s best interest to do as much research as possible when considering bringing on specialty services. Get started on this process with the article “Side of Beauty” written by Courtney Sykes.

The closing article for this issue’s theme dives into the topic of low-laser light therapy. Low-laser light therapy devices are also called cold lasers because the power densities produced are low compared to other lasers, such as ablation or surgical. Learn more about these devices that have been used for decades to treat a wide variety of health and skin conditions in Elina Fedotova’s article, “True Color.”

It is getting abundantly clear that technology picks up where the touch of a licensed professional leaves off. Smartphones, televisions, and speakers are well integrated into the lives of many, so why would treatment rooms be any different? And while many amazing client results have been and will continue to be the result of a skilled practitioner’s magic hands, perhaps it is time take advantage of the equipment of the future.

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Cultural Intelligence



Career Growth & Continuing Education






Aesthetics Abroad

Welcome to summer! Hopefully, the sun is shining wherever subscribers are reading this from, and they are ready for a much-needed trip around the world. Enter DERMASCOPE’s current issue. A little different than our staple editorial issue topics, May is themed around skin care and spa practices around the globe. The beauty industry knows no borders, and as the first trade journal for skin care professionals, it only felt right to give readers a taste of some international spa practices.

The first article in the primary lineup, titled “From Tradition to Trending” was written by the president of Eminence Organic Skin Care and industry icon, Boldijarre Koronczay. A do-not-miss editorial, he dives into the origins of Hungarian spa culture, traditional treatments and ingredients that have transcended the ages, and the modernization of the wellness retreat.

The next article takes readers to East Asia to learn about the fashionable beauty industry of South Korea. Known for their elaborate skin care routines, the Korean influence across the world cannot be ignored. Learn more about which products are musts for clients and how Korean spas differ from those found in the United States in “K-Beauty Unlimited,” an article by CEO of Le Mieux Cosmetics, Janel Luu.

The third primary article comes from DERMASCOPE Ambassador, Kirsten Sheridan, and revolves around all things le français. A world-renowned powerhouse in the industry, traditional French skin care practices have had a resounding influence on beauty practices worldwide. Explore the details of their water-based spa treatments and aesthetic ways in the article, “Rooted Regimens.”

The final article, “Exported Aesthetics,” by veteran aesthetician and massage therapist, Amra Lear, dives into the Moroccan beauty and wellness practices, which had similar Roman influences as that of Hungary but has carved out a unique piece of industry for themselves. Discover the traditional hammam experience and the signature, native ingredients that have become a part of many American household skin care routines.

Although DERMASCOPE is based right outside of Dallas, Texas, our magazine reaches far corners of the globe such as Japan, Australia, and Ireland to name a few. Aesthetics is universal, and when people from different backgrounds and origins come together and learn from each other, it raises the standards of care to heights that were once perceived as unreachable.

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At-Home Exfoliation


Waxing & Homecare Exfoliation


Season in the Sun


Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture





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Douglas Preston: A Legend in Aesthetics


Embracing Aging


Designer Exfoliation


The Long Game


Medspa Considerations


Reversing the Decline of Spermidine




Out With the Old

Exfoliation – everyone’s seemingly favorite step in their skin care routine and the theme for this spring issue. Whether mechanical, chemical, or enzymatic exfoliation, there is something rewarding about removing what no longer serves skin. Out with the old, in with the new! While it can be easy to get carried away with this mantra, it is just as important to educate clients on the importance of exfoliation as it is to speak on the dangers of over-exfoliation. Let the primary educators of this issue be the guide.

The first primary article comes from Face Reality Skincare’s education manager, Alex Hernandez, and it is on all things enzymes and acids. Titled, “Going Deep,” discover the treatment possibilities, including contraindications, at-home exfoliation, and which ingredients best target the most common skin concerns.

Although acids and enzyme treatments have become a practitioner favorite, do not forget about the staple treatment, microdermabrasion. A microdermabrasion machine is an essential tool for a treatment room but selecting the right one requires research. Find out the questions a spa owner should be asking manufacturers and how to go about making this large purchase with the article “Master Machine,” by Adriana Perez-Nakamura.

It is also important to remember that exfoliation goes beyond facial treatments. Dead skin cells are not reserved for the complexion, and spas must have options for clients looking to buff out their body, especially as warmer weather rolls in. Learn how to soften, smooth, and reveal brighter, more radiant skin all over in Amanda Azar Walsh’s article, “Body Work.”

Closing off the theme of exfoliation is the article, “The Ingredient Deck,” written by Courtney Sykes. With aesthetic practitioners becoming more ingredient-savvy every day, many are entering the world of formulation to help them select the best exfoliating products for their spa. Uncover what your ingredient labels are hiding today, starting with this article.

Exfoliation is a topic that DERMASCOPE could dedicate many issues to. In fact, we could have made this issue well over 100 pages. The knowledge our contributors bring to each selected topic is beyond impressive, but it is especially true of this issue.



A Second Youth

They say youth is wasted on the young. Now, that may not be completely true, but I have found that youthfulness is more a state of mind that an exact number. Throw a comprehensive, consistent self-care routine into the mix, and youth is sustainable – at least this has been the case for many. People are not subject to the same laws of nature as they once were. 50 is, in fact, the new 40, and there are countless modalities and topical products at the fingertips of skin care professionals to steer their (as Michelle D’Allaird-Brenner would say) sophisticated clients in the right direction. DERMASCOPE’s age management issue is always one for the books, and this issue is no exception.

Starting the issue off in the right direction is Samantha Dench’s article, “Sun Soaked.” All professionals are well aware of the sun’s effect on skin and how it can leave clients looking prematurely aged without proper protection. This article addresses what spas and professionals can do to prevent and reverse the visible signs of aging, along with the importance of providing client education.

Like sun damage, the decreased production of collagen when a person hits the age of 30 plays a huge role in the appearance of aged skin. Learn all about this fiber protein in the article, “Collagen Clarity” by Tami Chance Assaf and what can be done to preserve the integrity of skin. From in-spa solutions to supplements, determine what works for each client.

Age management is an aesthetic specialty that requires patience, understanding, and critical thinking. Creating a spa’s signature facial treatment for mature clients is the final step in mastering that specialty. Since there are so many routes to take, let leading industry educator, Gina Marie McGuire flesh out the exact tools of the trade in her article, “Signature Selections.”

If youth is wasted on the young, it is only right for the older generation to protect what is theirs. Perhaps the answer is a second youth – or a conservation of youth. Technology is advancing every day and that notion has never been more possible than it is today. With the right topical tools, licensed professionals’ guidance, and wise choices, I plan on staying youthful for a very long time, and I am sure our readers’ clients feel the same.



The 2022 Playbook

It’s that time of the year again! DERMASCOPE’s long anticipated special issue has finally arrived. This magazine is where we announce the winners for the 2022 Aestheticians’ Choice Awards of favored products, equipment, and people. Year after year, we are amazed at the industry’s response to these awards (over 112,000 votes!) and couldn’t be more appreciative of our position to give professionals a platform for their voices to be heard. This issue offers valuable content for our trusted readers, including an extensive list of on-demand, educational webinars available on

When exploring the P&E Guide, read through the featured articles that dive into the nitty gritty of continuing education within the aesthetic profession. Active skin care professionals’ education is a journey that has no final destination – and the articles included in this issue delve into the many facets of what the journey may bring along.

Scope of practice is one that is open for interpretation and varies by state. With so many stipulations being placed on a practitioner’s services, the next logical step may be to expand that scope of practice. Learn about the options to offer the best treatments possible for clients with Annette Hanson’s article entitled “Diversified Talents.”

Although professionals may be exposed to an abundance of continuing educational opportunities, there may be aspects of the trade for which they are either not prepared or falls within an individual’s shortcomings. For circumstances such as these, a spa owner may consider bringing on a consultant. Discover the many options for professional help with “Optimal Output,” an article by 2022’s Favorite Contributing Writer, Nichelle Mosley.

Actively practicing aesthetics is an endeavor of which many aestheticians never grow tired. However, for the professionals whose talents are destined for the masses, becoming an aesthetics instructor or brand educator may be the next chapter of their careers. To read up on what this transition may entail, look to the article, “Forging Ahead,” by Cathy Wainwright.

Consider DERMASCOPE’s annual P&E Guide as a guide to plan the year ahead. Work from this potential playbook to help make critical decisions involving continuing education, bringing on new products and equipment, or even just looking to level up.

The DERMASCOPE team congratulates all the 2022 ACA winners. Your peers think the world of you, and we cannot help but agree.


The Cash Cow of Aesthetics

It is February, and while most of the world is thinking of Valentine’s Day and the end of cooler weather, the professional skin care world is gearing up for a new season of the trade. With sunnier weather almost in sight, spas may be in preparation to take on more hair removal services or relaunch an existing menu. To support our community of readers, we have prepared the utmost lineup of primary articles on this essential topic, plus an exclusive article on chemical peels by Sorella Apothecary’s lead educator, Rebecca Olpin.

To begin, when considering social media marketing, the options around content creation can seem a bit daunting. However, the possibilities are outwardly endless with hair removal. Get the ultimate social media guide for skin care professionals looking to make digital waves with Melissa Black’s article, “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.”

Focusing further on hair removal practices, “POC Protocol,” an article by fearless beauty, Mary Nielsen, explores the necessities and modifications needed to perform laser hair removal on darker Fitzpatrick types. From performing a thorough consultation to ensuring clients are taught the best post-treatment care, get an in-depth look at this permanent modality.

Lindsay Miller’s article entitled “Startup Success” reviews the process of opening up an aesthetic practice that specializes in hair removal. Profitable in nature, discover what to consider before taking on this endeavor and how to continue that success once the business is established.

To close off the primary lineup of education, DERMASCOPE Ambassador Victoria Prince discusses the financial opportunities in her article, “Money Maker,” to make the most of reoccurring hair removal clients by creating complementary add-ons to keep them coming back for more.

Hair removal is a substantial practice that is rewarding for both clients and practitioners. The pursuit of smooth skin is what the industry was built on, so it only makes sense that professional hair removal has exploded through many channels.

New Beginnings

2022 has arrived, and ‘tis the season for new beginnings in so many ways. January has always had a bittersweet taste to it because it means the holiday season is coming to end, but it is forever the perfect occasion to start fresh. For DERMASCOPE, that means a new editorial calendar with brand new education for our devoted readers. This year we have done away with special sections and have included one spotlight article that showcases an innovative topic that requires an in-depth look but is not strong enough to lead an entire issue. This month combs through the hot topic of hyperpigmentation (and pigmentary disorders) with an exclusive article on microneedling and microinfusion.

Starting off with advanced modalities, when treating hyperpigmentation, skin care professionals can consider incorporating laser treatments with more common ingredients to even and brighten client complexions. Learn how to tackle this skin issue from many angles in Candice Morrison’s article entitled, “Combination Forces.”

Lyn Ross’ article, “Cautious Care” allows professionals to become more aware of common pigmentary conditions of darker Fitzpatrick skin types and the differing, delicate treatment options compared to lighter skin types.

For an in-depth overview on causes and reactions, Kirsten Sheridan’s article “Elite Emergence” discusses the science behind more uncommon and emerging hyperpigmentation treatment ingredients and what lies ahead.

Since more aggressive treatments can sometimes lead to worsening or reoccurring hyperpigmentation, Lydia Sarfati’s article, “Uniquely Pigmented” focuses on alternative, more holistic possibilities for treatment and a summary of common pigmentary disorders to brush up on.

Finally, Robert Mazon’s exclusive article, “Microneedling & Microinfusion” describes the details around microneedling and microinfusion procedures and how to achieve the very best results using these advanced modalities.

January marks a new chapter of DERMASCOPE. While we love our history and want to carry on the legacy my family built, it is important to grow and evolve, especially as we get closer to 50 years of being the authority of professional skin care. Readers can always count on us to provide continuing generic education, but as each year passes, we hope they fall in love with our content either for the first time or like it was their first time.


The Closing of 46 Years

And just like that – another year goes by! This issue not only represents the closing of 46 years of DERMASCOPE, it also features the second annual winner of our Cover Contest with, of course, trusted educational articles revolving around chemical peels and exfoliation. With so much to cover and celebrate, December’s issue is stuffed with brilliance.

Starting off that brilliance begins with Alexandra J. Zani’s article entitled, “Chemically Committed.” With peel procedures increasing in the cooler months, it is just as important to care for clients’ skin prior and post-treatment as it is to successfully perform the treatment itself. Discover how to qualify clients, what to consider, and how to protect newly peeled complexions in this must-read article.

Since chemical peels are a much-debated topic within the professional skin care industry, spas need to explore the milder options they have at their disposal, such as cool peels. Coming in hot with her debut article, join DERMASCOPE Ambassador, Cathy Wainwright as she discusses these water-based peels, the ideal protocol, and how to best manage client expectations with her article, “Cold Hard Facts.”

Stemming from the larger peel debate comes the question of barrier protection and potential risks. With so much to consider when administering peels, skin care professionals need to have a firm grasp of the physiology of peel formulations and skin, peel depth and activity, and how to always be prepared in even the worst-case scenario. Get the facts in “Perfecting Peeling Practices,” an article by Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck.

Rounding out this excellent lineup of primary education, learn about how to properly layer exfoliants with the article, “Combination Exfoliation” by Celeste Hilling. With seasoned insights to various exfoliation methods, the best practices for common skin types, and a step-by-step protocol to her favorite exfoliating facial, this article will deliver on so many layers.

And without further ado, let me be the first to announce the Cover Contest’s second annual winner, Sharon Subdhan! She is a face of the industry lighting up Queen’s Village, New York that we want the entire industry to know about. Get to know her better in the article “A Piece of the Collective” plus a very special section showcasing our favorite Cover Contest applicants. The Cover Contest is our way to give thanks to the individuals who make up the industry, and we want nothing more than to share that gratitude with our readers.


An Aesthetician’s Recognition

With fall trucking along, it is crazy to think the year is almost over. November certainly looks much different than it did last year, but one thing that remains the same is clients and their skin requiring attention and care. While acne, hyperpigmentation, and age management will always be the top three concerns, this issue covers the conditions that skin care professionals may or may not be familiar with, plus a very special holiday guide.

Starting off the lineup is the article entitled, “Urticaria Uncluttered,” by Cali VanAelst. Hives can result from numerous triggers and can sometimes be unpredictable in their variances, appearances, and disappearances. With the many factors playing into this skin condition, learn about triggers, solutions, treatments, and how clients can prevent urticaria in the future.

Another concern affecting many individuals includes psoriasis and eczema. Often confused for one another, there are many differences skin care professionals can look for when assisting clients. Discover what makes these conditions flareup and what clients and professionals can do to combat itchy, red, and dry skin in Linda Kennedy’s article entitled, “The Realm of Redness.”

Continuing in this realm of redness, the third article covers all things dermatitis. From recognizing the different types of dermatitis and helping clients manage their symptoms to the pathophysiology of the condition, get the answers in “Dermatitis Detection,” an article by Janet Dunleavy.

The final article for this issue comes from Saian’s own, Dasha Saian Marchese. Afflicting over 16 million Americans, rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease that is triggered by exercise, heat, spicy food, and much more. Explore a rosacea breakdown, its subtypes, and the treatment options in her article entitled, “The Rosacea Report.”

Although the scope of practice for aestheticians is not clearly defined and varies from state to state, it is always the smart choice to know about the skin conditions that can trouble clients. A thorough skin analyzation should always be done (for new and existing clients), and an aesthetician’s recognition of common conditions can make all the difference in the world.

The Greatest

In the world of social media, it seems like it is almost impossible to get away from body talk. From fitness inspiration to fashion trends, the consensus states that skin is in. While of course, body care has its place within the industry, it is often overlooked for the complex nature and popularity of facial treatments. However, ignoring the possibilities of body treatments is robbing clients of self-care opportunities that will upgrade their overall wellbeing. This issue has a fantastic lineup of articles showcasing just a fraction of these possibilities. So, get comfortable, start flipping through the pages, and unlock the potential.

To start the month off, Shannon Esau takes on body acne and the challenges that come with this skin issue. Although most skin care professionals have had their fair share of treating and eliminating facial acne, explore her methods to helping clients achieve clear skin from head to toe in the article entitled, “Fully Flawless.”

For the second subject for this month’s primary education, take a dive into a scientific overview of everyone’s least favorite kind of dimples, cellulite. Cellulite is a cosmetic skin condition that affects the majority of the feminine population. With so many potential candidates for treatment, it is definitely worth investigating the different options available for care. Discover clients’ choices in “Fat or Fiction?” an article by Amanda Azar Walsh.

The body can be afflicted by many imperfections; however, excellent skin care professionals have the solutions for their clients. One common concern includes broken capillaries. Get a better grasp on this topic and how clients can achieve and maintain their results with IPL, electrical cauterization, sclerotherapy, and cryotherapy in Holly Sheppard’s article entitled, “Red Recovery.”

Lastly, with the world of aesthetics booming in every single way imaginable, it is no surprise that vaginal spa treatments are increasingly growing in popularity. What started with the Brazilian in the 90s has now transformed into treatments such as the vagacial, V-steaming, intimate radio frequency, and the O-shot. Catch up on the hottest trends in the spa with “Secret Service,” an article by DERMASCOPE Ambassador, Mary Nielsen.

Body treatments and care have come a long way, and although every spa may not be equipped to add these treatments to their menu, it is always the responsible choice to be an educational powerhouse for clients. Keeping up with trends may take effort but knowing what works and keeps clients happy are what separates the good from the great – and we know our readers are only the greatest.



Saving the Day

September is here, and with it brings DERMASCOPE’s hyperpigmentation issue. A hot topic in the professional skin care world, hyperpigmentation affects many people of all shapes and sizes, which means treatment plans must be just as diverse. This can be tricky as this condition has a memory of its own, so even when a skin care professional works to diminish a client’s pesky dark spots or pregnancy mask, a few missteps could mean a setback. However, all hope should not be lost because where there is a problem, there is generic, continuing education to save the day, such as this month’s primary lineup.

The treatment of hyperpigmentation is not black and white; therefore, it is important to be flexible with treatment plans. The fact of the matter is, not all clients will comply 100% with their skin care professional’s recommendations. Discover how to build and modify your treatments plans with “Pigmentation Procedure,” an article by 2020’s Cover Contest winner, Rachel File.

Although not every skin care professional will agree, chemical peel series have become a staple in the treatment of hyperpigmentation. Peels may be seen as an aggressive approach; however, with the proper protocol, they can work wonders for overly pigmented dark spots and areas. From a scientific breakdown of how excess melanin forms to post-care for newly peeled clients, get the facts with Beatrice Van’s article entitled, “Peeling Practice.”

Melasma can be a difficult condition to manage from the client and practitioner’s standpoint due to its interior influences and presence in the dermal layers. Get a handle on possible triggers, the best topical ingredients, spa treatments, and how to manage melasma in the article entitled “Color Condition,” by Lyn Ross.

While there are many routes to maintaining and keeping hyperpigmentation at bay, Dr. Ben Johnson has a different approach. His philosophy is that age spots may actually be a good thing – protecting a larger, damaged area. Though topical, active ingredients may have their place, they are not the only option when treating clients with hyperpigmentation. Discover Dr. Johnson’s methodology in the article, “Healing Hyperpigmentation.”

Talking with various skin care professionals over the years, it is always astonishing to see their face light up when they talk about the success they have had treating clients with hyperpigmentation because it usually stems from a long, difficult journey with the DERMASCOPE archive by their side. It is an honor to be a part of so many professionals’ achievements, and I would not trade it for anything in the world.  



Welcome to the first ever program for 2021’s Summit of Aesthetics! We are so excited to bring our readers this digital educational event for the second year in a row. Flip through the program to see what we have in store for the fourth week in September.

In addition to all the Summit brings, this issue has four fresh, primary articles all about the business aspect of the spa. Never be at a loss for business education with this fantastic lineup. Take a look!

Although an experienced spa owner can speak on the value of loyal, longtime clients, new spas or spas looking for a recharge may be on the hunt for new business. Learn how to formulate an overall image, get the spa’s name out to new markets, partner with other businesses, and land glowing reviews with “Creating Community,” an article by Dr. Lisa S. Jenks.

The pandemic brought many lessons, one of the most relevant being the significance of an established online presence. Taking on too much content creation can feel like a second job, but there are options for every skin care professional. Explore the opportunities with Melissa Black’s article entitled, “Social Strategy.”

As beloved as the professional skin care trade is, it may be difficult to maneuver at times, particularly during times of transition. Whether an aesthetician is just starting out or looking to reduce the number of hours spent in the treatment room, there is a blueprint to follow thanks to previous pioneering leaders. Read up on how to navigate change like a pro with “Trusting Transition,” a debut article by Shiri Sarfati.

Lastly, at times, spa ownership can be rewarding. At other times, it comes with its own set of challenges and complications. From choosing the right space and standing out from the competition to insurance and cashflow management, there is much to consider while being the boss. Learn if your paperwork is on order with Annette Hanson’s article, “Financial Fate.”

DERMASCOPE does not always get to run two bonus issues a year, but when we do, we like to hit it out of the park. Let this program work as a guide for this year’s Summit of Aesthetics – the knowledge, products, and access gained from the event will last you until next year.

Digging Deeper

With the many DERMASCOPE editorial calendars under my belt, it is always exciting to introduce new themes to our readers. While the magazine would be subpar without the staple themes like acne, hyperpigmentation, and hair removal, August is all about the chemistry of skin care. Whether a skin care professional is aware or not, treating skin is a chemical experiment and should be treated as such. Explore this issue and see what you missed in science class.

In the day and age where marketing drives much of the money spent on beauty products such as skin care and makeup, skin care professionals need to be cautious of all that is out there. Product formulation should be the be-all-end-all when it comes to choosing which products will be beneficial to a spa and its clients. Take in all the facts with Gina Marie McGuire’s article entitled, “Scientific Situation.”

In addition to understanding formulation, grasping the concept of nanotechnology within common skin care ingredients is worth exploring. While not every aesthetics practitioner is a chemist, it is important to know how exactly ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, and retinol fit into skin. Are there superior molecular weights to ingredients? What exactly does particle size have to do with formulations? Get the answers to these questions and more with “Small by Design,” an article by Gloria Lu and Victoria Fu.

Ingredients are not the only subject under the microscope this issue. Take a scientific tour of the skin types with Breanna Brown’s article, “Chemistry Contrast.” From the skin barrier and pH to the chemical reactions happening with common ingredients and how absorption works, this article will fill any gaps in even the most seasoned skin care professional’s expertise.

Lastly, discover the world of custom blending and all that is has to offer. With existing, established product lines providing incredible results, one might wonder if custom blending is worth the research. Chris Estey is here to set the record straight. Get the pros and cons and the do’s and don’ts of custom blending from his article entitled, “Mixing Madness.”

Skin care professionals obviously know a thing or two about the science of skin care, but this issue is meant to challenge those preconceived notions to dig deeper. We know DERMASCOPE readers are already the most educated practitioners out there, and we are always striving to bring them more. This issue is no exception.

The Best of Both Worlds

In order to keep up with this industry, aestheticians do not have the luxury to stay in their box of specific expertise. As the profession evolves, so must the practitioners who make it up. Whether you define yourself as a medical or holistic aesthetician, it is important to know all sides of the trade and find a happy middle ground when possible. Take the DERMASCOPE Ambassadorship for example. Because we wanted to represent all aspects of the industry to provide the very best generic education, we made sure to include professionals from every corner of the professional skin care industry. That way, DERMASCOPE’s education is all-inclusive and a blend of both worlds. Be sure to check out all the Ambassadors in this issue’s special section. They are all pretty incredible.

 In addition to the special section, we have a collection of noteworthy holistically medical primary articles, covering everything from psychodermatology and energy healing to the top medical spa treatments and how to holistically modify some of them.

This issue is designed to have something for everyone. Whether a skin care professional is looking to grow more medically by implementing new devices or taking on a whole-person approach by incorporating trendy modalities and treatments, DERMASCOPE has the answers.


I hope this unified aesthetic trend continues because it means that the industry is that much closer to working as one. While there may never be a utopian agreeance of aesthetic practices, an efficient center sounds even better and a lot more interesting.

DERMASCOPE has always prided itself on being the authority of professional skin care, and this issue will continue to solidify that fact. When the editorial team was initially planning this theme, we were so excited for this hybrid issue to come into fruition. Now that it is here, I can honestly say it lived up to the hype.

Avoiding Aging

Over the years, self-care has evolved to include much of skin care. Many women in their 50s today could be compared to women in their 30s just a few decades ago. Take Oprah or JLo for example. And it’s not just Hollywood that has caught on! Next to acne and hyperpigmentation, antiaging treatments rank in the most requested services at the spa. Is your treatment menu offering the latest technologies and ingredients to help your clients look decades younger?

As aesthetic practitioners know, it is much easier to slow the development of fine lines than to reverse the situation. Keeping the communication lines open with clients to work towards prevention is imperative. Learn about the science behind it all, cellular energy, and pairing various treatments for the best results in Andrea Gregaydis’s article, “Fine Line Formation.”

Although there is a number of factors that contribute to aging, environmental pollution and exposure to ultraviolet radiation tend to be in the very back of clients’ minds. Understand free radical damage at a deeper level along with antipollution skin care treatments and ingredients to pass the benefits along to clients with the article entitled, “Antioxidant Action” by Lydia Sarfati.

In the modern era, the aging process has evolved to another experience entirely. There is much to consider when formulating a plan of revision for the mature client, such as the theories, stages, and causes of aging. Discover the possibilities towards a pathway to treatment with Alexandra Zani’s article, “Mature Considerations.”

When thinking about the typical client taking on age management, skin care professionals may have a certain image of what that might look like. However, as skin care becomes increasingly relevant to younger generations, the need to market preventative aging services and products may be in order. Read about the new antiaging client in “Gen Z & Millennials,” an article by Dasha Saian Marchese.

Growing up in this industry, it is easy to see how pertinent the skin concern of aging becomes with each passing year. The trick to aging gracefully is clearly prevention, and luckily, I have never been short of education when it comes to age management. I’d like to think the feeling is mutual when it comes to our readers.

Latest Launches


DERMASCOPE’s Latest Launches department shares some of the industry’s most recognizable brands current and newest arrivals on the market. Take a look at some of the highly popularized, most recently released products in the industry.


Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare

All-Physical SPF Lightweight Wrinkle Defense SPF 30is a physical, oil-free sunscreen that blends into all skin tones without leaving a white, pasty residue.



Resync Revitalizing Night Cream is a hydrating, long-lasting moisturizer that quenches skin during sleep. Formulated with groundbreaking, plate-based extracts like snow mushroom and kakudu plum, it wraps the complexion in antioxidant-rich ingredients to restore radiance and revitalize the look of skin while delivering unprecedented hydration.



AnteAGERegenzymeis an acid-free, enzymatic exfoliant made from papaya, pineapple, pumpkin, and pomegranate extracts that naturally at dead skin cells.Skin feels polished, glowing, and hydrated.


BiON Skincare

BiON Skincare’s Mandelic 5% Toner Pads tone, exfoliate, and brighten all in one. BiON has combined mandelic, lactic, azelaic acid, niacinamide, and essential oils to produce a toner for mature and acneicskin.


Sorella Apothecary

Pore Primer Extraction Solution eases extractions without irritation. This pore primer raises the pH of skin, helping in the release of congestion.






Sun-Soaked Problems


Although skin care professionals continue to convey the importance of sun care and wearing sunscreen, it never ceases to amaze me how many people think they are exempt from the holy grail of preventative aging because they “don’t go outside.” With exception of those living in windowless houses and traveling by tunnel, sun protection products are nonnegotiable. Explore the feature articles this month to give clients the most up-to-date answers on their sun-soaked problems.

In a skin care professional’s SPF-rich world, it may be tempting to cast away the sun’s rays for good. However, this is not plausible, and clients still require education to guide them through smart sun care choices, especially in the summertime. Read over Celeste Hilling’s article entitled, “Basking Beauty” to learn about environmental exposure, prescribing effective sun care, why it matters, and how conduct a thorough self-examination.

Although each and every client should take sun care seriously, those who are allergic to the sun must take extra care in the warmer months of the year. Photosensitivities cause amplified skin reactions to the sun and put those who suffer from this condition at risk for long-term skin damage and even cancer. Learn about the various sun sensitivities, what ingredients and treatments these clients should avoid, and how to protect the body from serious harm with “Photosensitivity Facets,” an article by Annette Hanson. 

Even with the excess amount of education given on sun care, clients turning up with a sunburn from a summer day gone too long is inevitable for most skin care professionals. Discover how to spot the difference between short-term versus long-term damage, how to select the right treatments and products for clients to heal, and how to avoid the situation from happening again with the article, “Sunburn Blues” by Melissa Morris.

Summer may mean different things to different people, but sunburns and skin damage could be a thing of the past with the right approach and most trusted education. We know our readers would never skip out on sunscreen, but thanks to this issue, they will never be short of reasoning when clients do. 

Sunless Products & SPF

Dr. Dennis Gross

The new Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare All-Physical Lightweight Wrinkle Defense SPF 30 is built to be an everyday, oil-free, and fragrance-free sunscreen. Tested on Fitzpatrick Ⅰ through ,this product is blendable on all skin tones without leaving a white cast and combines potent antioxidants to defend against sun damage while preventing fine lines and wrinkles.

Sorella Apothecary

Quench & Protect SPFis a sunscreen with all the bells and whistles, including protection from harmful rays, moisturizing ingredients, and skin soothers.

Bella Schneider Beauty

BB Plus SPF 35 is a universal beauty balm to conceal, hydrate, and protect for normal and dry skin. It is ideal for travel and daily touch-ups and gentle enough to be used after any peel or

Suntegrity Skincare

Natural Self Tanner with eco-certified docosahexaenoic acid from sugar beets gives skin a golden tan while organic butters and oils provide deep hydration.

RA Skin Cosmeceuticals

The RA Skin Cosmeceuticals Sheer Tint Finisher SPF18 is a broad-spectrum, aloe and mineral-based day cream. It provides natural ultraviolet protection and potent antioxidant support to reduce redness. A soothing finisher that moisturizes while providing the perfect hint of color, it leaves skin protected, refreshed, and glowing.

BiON Skincare

BiON's Tinted Mineral SPF 35 includes titanium dioxide and zinc oxide for excellent physical protection against ultraviolet radiation. The creamy consistency goes on smoothly and is nonirritating to the eyes. Moisture, color, and protection in one quick step.


Epionce Daily Shield Tinted SPF 50 is a cosmetically elegant, broad-spectrum tinted sunscreen that is ideal for all skin types and tones.

SAIAN Natural Clinical Skincare

SAIANLightly Tinted Mineral Sunscreen provides broad-spectrum ultraviolet rays protection with a subtle hint of tint and the benefits of antiaging and antioxidant healing. This lightly tinted sunscreen evenout the appearance of irregular skin tone and isparaben-free.

Sothys USA

SPF30 Protective Lotion Face & Bodyis atwo-in-one emulsion for the face and body. It is perfect for protecting all skin types in a nonsticky and nondehydrating formula. The skin is enhanced with a glowing tan.

SunFx America

SunFX Hydrating Facial Tanning Mist prolongstan and builds a gorgeous bronze glow.

It is rich in protein building blockstonourish and condition the face and décolletage.


YouthRenew Tinted Cream SPF 30five-in-one cream gives clients an effortlessly finished look. It smooths away wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, moisturizes, and protects with broad-spectrum 30. This product reduces redness and inflammation and brightens skin.

iS Clinical

Extreme Protect SPF 40 is a multilevel environmentally protective treatment formula featuringExtremozyme technology combined with scientifically advanced all-physical sunscreen actives. This antioxidant-rich, state-of-the-art broad-spectrum ultraviolet rays sunscreensupports optimal skin health as it moisturizes and

IMAGE Skincare

PREVENTION+ Daily Matte Moisturizer SPF 32+is a lightweight, daily moisturizer that incorporates innovative technology to absorb surface oils and leaves the skin with a clean, matte finish.

Nature Pure Labs

Skin Glow Tinted Mineral Moisturescreen SPF 50 is infused with certified organic botanicals andbroad-spectrumultraviolet rays and is ideal for all agesand skin types. It is the safest sun defense forskin. The formula incorporates efficaciousingredients that are gentle for even sensitive skin.

TIZO Skincare

TIZO3 offers sheer, tinted, all-mineral sun protection with an elegant matte finish.Layers invisibly and doubles as a silky makeup primer.

DMK- Danné Montague-King Co.

NutraScreen is a water-resistant nourishing cream that provides broad-spectrum UVA and UVB screening with high protection. It protects skin and cell integrity against toxic chemicals and forms a biomimetic shield against pollution and smog. NutraScreen contains amino acids, proteins, antioxidants, and critical ingredients, making it great for daily use.

Farmhouse Fresh Goods

Elevated Shade Age-Defending 100% Mineral Sunscreenis mattifying sunscreen not likeother sun protection factor products. It treats skin complexion to a cocktail of skin-loving and youth-defending antioxidants, including vitamins C, E,and B3 (niacinamide) to visibly improve skin tone, pores, and fine lines and wrinkles. Smoothing hydration from hyaluronic acid makes this loved by all skin types.

Skinbetter science

Skinbetter Science’sSunbetter TONE SMART SPF 75 Sunscreen Lotionis the first broad-spectrum protection in a tone-adapting lotion that provides a hint of color. The 100% mineral sunscreen includes Skinbetter’s patented Advanced Mineral Protection, along with an oil-free 80-minute water resistance formula. The creamy lotion is designed for all skin types and suitable for sensitive and post-procedure skin. It can also be used as a primer under makeup or in place of a light coverage foundation.

Summertime Guide

For the first time in what seems like forever, summer 2021 is the first season to resemble the past’s normal. With the growing number of COVID-19 vaccines being administrated, clients and skin care professionals are now faced with more sun-soaked situations, social or otherwise. More exposure allows for more opportunities to educate clients on how the sun can damage skin, along with preventative measures and exploring the sunless options to achieving the perfect, golden tan. That is why DERMASCOPE created this special summertime guide to navigate our readers’ return to a familiar, long-missed summer. 


The Monthly Follow

Each month DERMASCOPE shares a recommendation of the latest aesthetician we cannot seem to get enough of. Our latest favorite to follow is a results-driven skin specialist whose love for skin goes beyond the surface. View @ashely_aesthetics profile and posts and see why DERMASCOPE finds her content clear cut and a perfect measure of skin care with design.


Happy May and welcome to another monthly follow that DERMASCOPE recommends.Based in the medical side of the industry, Ashley’s Instagram focuses on sharing educational aspects to custom treatments and facials. Her feed features its fair share of Hydrafacial treatments and satisfying dermaplaning videos. While many skin care professionals’ Instagram feeds are made up of content like this, @ashley_aesthetics dedication to explaining her treatments with care is what sets her apart. The easy breakdowns she shares in her captions provide other skin care professionals and clients alike with solid definitions on treatments and how they are utilized to create stunning results. When scrolling through Ashely’s Instagram, take into consideration the hard work and persistency that goes into posting and staying up-to-date on the latest in the world of skin care professionals on Instagram. With this in mind,take a look at her feed and give your fellow esty a follow!


Kojic Acid

Whenever people say, “You can never have too much of a good thing,” they obviously did not consider the ingredientkojic acid. A skin brightener in nature, this organic acidhas been cleared by theCosmetic Ingredient RevieExpert Panel to be used in cosmetic ingredients at the concentration of 4% or less, although it has been on the market since 1955. Depending on if thekojic acid product is intended to be washed off (or used on occasion) or absorbedby skindictateswhere the concentration should land.A good rule of thumb to avoid a possible allergic reaction, irritation, or rashis to keep concentrations around 1% to 2%. If a client has sensitive skin, kojic acid should be slowly introduced into their skin care routine, using the product once or twice a week at first. It should also be noted that long-term use of kojic acid can make any skin type more susceptible to sun damage. 

While it can be used with other brightening and exfoliating ingredients, thecoupling of products increases the chances of undue dryness and irritation, so it is recommended to gradually add additional products containing actives when already utilizing kojic acid. 

A hyperpigmentation superstar,kojic acid is the product of various types of fungi (such as A. flavus, A. oryzae, A. tamarii, and A. parasiticusand is present in certain fermented, Asian foods, such as soy sauce, rice wine, and sakeIt prevents the development of tyrosinethe amino acid responsible for the production of melaninBecause kojic acid works by prevention, it differs from the standard acid that breaks the bonds found between skin cells, stimulating exfoliation.

In addition to its cosmetic advantages, kojic acid has been used to create a nano-carrier system for anti-cancer drug delivery, it generates asubstantialpromotion of cellular turnover, and reduces the growth of tumors.

With its many uses and benefits, it is imperative to investigate the concentrations of kojic acid in any products being sold or used in spa. Additionally, client education is always a must but is especially important when using active ingredientsKeep researching to bring clients the safest and most beautiful results. 

For SPF’s Sake

A classic debate between skin care professionals has always been over sun protection factor. With the insurmountable plethora of sunscreen products on the market, skin care professionals have tested and shared their recommendations for decades. When it comes to physical versus chemical sun protectant factor, the true winner from our recent Instagram poll was clear. With a whopping 83% of the votes for physical sunscreen, the true winner was revealed. Only 17% of skin care professionals voted chemical-based sunscreens as the way to go. 

While skin care professionals should already know that not all sunscreen protectants are created equal, a quick breakdown can refresh one’s ideas on sun protection factor.Physical sunscreens contain active mineral ingredients, like titanium or zinc oxide. These types of sunscreens are less likely to clog pores; however, some can cause a heavy filmy to appear on darker complexions. On the other hand, chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin fully (unlike physical which sits on top of the skin).The downfall of chemical-based sunscreens is their ability to block out ultraviolet rays like their physical-based counterparts

Overall, both types share benefits and most skin care professionals recommend a combination of both or some form that enables the profits of both. Sunscreens are plentiful in the industry of skin carebut choosing the right one for a client can require research, trial and error, and dedication to protect clients’ skin from sun damage and the like. Whichever sunscreen preference is preferred is up to the professional, no matter what an Instagram poll says. Want to be included in this monthly poll? Follow DERMASCOPE on Instagram and stay up-to-date on DERMASCOPE’s Instagram Stories to vote monthly!







SPF Saviors

Trendsetters share insights on SPF products they recommend for skin care and spa professionals.

Danné MontagueKing 

President of DMKDanné MontagueKing Co. 

NUTRASCREEN has all the benefits of SPF 30 with a base of organic screens, plus skin revisions

Dasha Saian Marchese

CEO of SAIAN Natural Clinical Skincare

This oil-free, water-based sunscreen mist is perfect for sensitive skin, especially acneic skin. SAIAN Sunscreen Mist SPF 30 provides protection for all skin types and is convenient for reapplication throughout the day, especially on top of

Brian Goodwin

International Educator for Éminence Organic Skin Care

“The Lilikoi Daily Defense Moisturizer SPF 40 shields against sun damage, blue light, and pollution. For best results, warm the moisturizer in hands and apply to the high points of the face.”

Hyaluronic Acid

Read more on these hyaluronic acid-based products that improve hydration and promote healthier, more supple skin.


Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is found naturally in the skin and functions as a lubricant to joints and tissues. The nature of hyaluronic acid allows it to retain water and act as a humectant in any skin care routine. This ingredient is an essential item for skin care professionals and clients. When used topicallyhyaluronic acid can leave the skin looking fresh, dewy, and plump. 


Featuring a synergistic blend of potent ingredients, Herbal Skin Solution’s Sun & Moon Eye Synergy Cream works overtime to awaken and refresh the eyes no matter what time of day it is. Using hyaluronic acid’s water-binding abilities, this lightweight formulation works to fill and firm the delicate under-eye and eyelid area while naturally brightening, hydrating, and nourishing. Try Herbal Skin Solutions’ Sun & Moon Energy Synergy Cream.


Give skin a youthful-looking glow with botanical hyaluronic acidvitamin-rich strawberries, and rhubarb. Blending not only these three ingredients together but also honey, aloe vera, and biocomplex, this mixture becomes a powerful rehydrator for dry skin. Skin will appear plumper and feel silkier. Try Éminence Organic Skin Care’sStrawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic


Ageless Hydrating Serum’s base is hyaluronic acid. It will benefit all skin typesimprove hydration, lessen the appearance of wrinkles, and plump skin. This serum also contains the peptides Matrixyl Synthe’ 6, DN-AGE, and lipomoist for dehydrated, dry, acneic, and milia-prone skin. Try Skin Script Skin Care’sAgeless Hydrating Serum.



Pure Aesthetics

Pure Aestheticspridesthemselves on helping clients look their best, but more than that,the spa wants to help clientsreconnect with themselves and rediscover their confidence.Pure Aesthetics is a medical spa and premier CoolSculpting provider for the Gainesville, Florida community, specializing in aesthetic mentoring, tailored treatments, and comprehensive aesthetic education. 

Everything done at Pure Aesthetics is centered around one simple, powerful belief, “You’re beautiful.They are there to help clients see it. The brand andteam are defined by five core values that embody the spa’culture and allow them to provide clients with a memorable experience. These include integrity, nurturing, education, hospitality, and discretion.

In addition to being completely obsessed with all things beauty and skin care, the spa is extremely passionate about the community.The future is not entirely up to their team, but they believe they cannot go wrong as long as they hold true to their core values. More than anything, that is what sets Pure Aesthetics apart.


How long have you been a licensed aesthetician, and what made you join the industry? 

I have been an aesthetician for 11 years. After suffering from acne during my adolescent years, my desire to help others became a dream. Time flies when you are doing what you love.


What pushed you to open your own spa, and at what point in your career did you open it? 

I opened Pure Aesthetics five years after obtaining my license. With a background in business and entrepreneurship academy in high school, I always had a dream to own my own business. I had a vision for my community to have the perfect experience – a place that renews while providing ultimate, lasting results that reflect inner and outer beauty.


What is your favorite treatment to receive?

That is always one of the toughest questions for me to answer since I love so many, and there are many optionsRight now, I enjoy dermaplaing followed by a Hydrafacial. This combination provides the ultimate exfoliation and glow. My skin always feels clean and refreshed afterwards.


What product do you try to retail to every client? 

Sunscreen. Being in Florida, the sun isstrong, and sunscreen not only protectsfrom the sun which can create premature aging but also prevents skin cancer and keepsskin smooth and healthy.


Bedside beauty essential? 

Lumiquin Nighttime Formula. It is a wonderful moisturizer that supports the skins natural moisture barrier and enhances themoisture level on hands. 


Favorite skin concern to treat? 

Acne and acne scarring. This skin condition can be debilitating for people and having the ability to restore confidence by resolving this concern is very rewarding.


You can only take 3 products to an island… 

Intelleshade TruPhysical, Colorescience Total Eye, and ZO Skin Health Growth Factor Serum. 


Where do you see your business in the next five years? 

I see us either franchising or having multiple locations in the Southeastern states. We are currently looking into both options – expansion is definitely the goal.


What’s unique about your spa? 

The tight-knit bond andfamily-oriented vibe that we have created among our staff play a critical role in our ability to provide a welcoming and memorable experience for clients. Creating a warm, serene environment relies heavily on the staff’s ability to maintain a positive atmosphere. From the initial phone call to the first visit, we work to make sure thatclients know that we genuinely care about them.


Do you have a popular blog on your website?

 Yes, our team is always collaborating and coming up with creative content to keep clients educated in a fun engaging wayWeekly blogs keep clients in the loop on any specials, new products, or services offered.


A large following on Instagram?

Yes, we have 10.4k followers on Instagram. We love what we do, and we want to share it with the world. Social media is our source of connecting, and it keeps our followers and clients up-to-date on anything new going on at the spa. 


Contact Info:


Instagram: pureaestheticsmedspa



Elina Fedotova 

Award-winning aesthetician, cosmetic chemist, Founderand Chief Formulator for Elina Organics and president of the Association of Holistic Skincare Practitioners.


How has this skincare brand helped professionals be the best in the industry, and why should others make the line their ultimate go-to?

I believe the Elina Organics skincare line is exactly what aestheticians need. Today, skincare professionals are looking for a well-established and reputable corrective clinical skincare product line made from organic ingredients that can deliver visible results. Clients are searching for solutions.The ideal skin care product line should have effective homecare products, servdifferent complexions, and have a wide variety of professional backbar masks, peels, and other treatment products to create unique and completely customized facials


When you were creating this brand, what gaps in the industry were you looking to fill?

Many organic skincare product lines are made from pure ingredients, but they do not deliver clinical results. I wanted to bring very sophisticated formulations that can naturally deliver active nutrients to nourish live skin cells and successfully compete with medical products results. Elina Organics offers aestheticians a wide variety of retail and backbar products to create their unique approach for each complexion.Most skincare professionals love to create uniquely nourishing masks and adjust the products to tailor for each client, specifically clients who have cancer, exceedingly sensitive skin, or other challenges.


How do you offer education on your brand

Instead of sales representatives, we use the help of aestheticians who work with Elina Organics to train new accounts locally. For all skincare professionals whovisit the Elina Organics headquarters in Michigan or the Elina Organics Spa in Chicago, Illinois, we offerthe opportunity for free, hands-on education. We hold regular online and in-person training workshops, as well as phone conferences. 


What benefits can spas and skin care professionals expect when using or retailing this brand?

All of our educational events are complimentary for Elina Organics professionals. For accounts, we do not require a large opening order or order minimum. We work with each account to create a unique approach based on their business size and needs at that time. Wealso adjust protocols based on their clientele. We offer a drop-shipping program, an affiliate program, and allow them to sell our products on their website as well. 


Besides working with the brand, what else has helped you become one of the best?

In 2007, I founded the Association of Holistic Skincare Practitioners to provide professional education on holistic skincare methods and the philosophy from the best experts in holistic health, science, and medical fields.  

What is your educational background, and how do you continue your education in the industry?

I hold a degree in chemistry and studiedherbology and homeopathy while in Moscow, Russia. Since moving to the United States in 1991, I obtained and currently still hold my aesthetic license and have continuously studied through cosmetic chemistry workshops and seminars in holistic health in the United States, Russia, and Europe.


How long have you been practicing and why did you choose this field?

I have practiced in the field for over 25 years. I chose this field because of the inspiration I get from clients and their life in order to create natural skincare formulas which work.


How do you give back to the industry or community? 

We provide complimentary services for people in challenging life situations and donate products. Wedonated hundreds of hand sanitizers, sanitizing mists, and skincare products earlier in the pandemic to hospitals, medical offices, and nurses. The Association of Holistic Skincare Practitioners is a nonprofit that I spend a lot of time dedicated to. I educate aestheticians on the safest and most effective methods and ingredients, education on nutrition, and functional medicine that delivers real results to clients. 


Why are these products on your must-have list?

1. Oil Control Formula 

  1. Ambra Lift Elixir
  2. Skin Recovery Protective Healing Cream 
  3. Angelite Crystal Elixir 


Find Elina on Instagram @elinaorganics,, or call 321-722-8122


Beauty Buzz

Check out what’s buzzing in the industry, from new faces in the industry, award announcements, new products, events, and more, Beauty Buzz has got you covered.


Repêchage Announces Ongoing Contribution to Benefit Beauty Changes Lives Initiatives

Repêchageannounces the ongoing donation of proceeds from Lydia Sarfati’s digital and print sales of her latest book to benefit the operations of Beauty Changes Lives. Beauty Changes Lives is a non-profit that provides scholarships, mentorships, and inspiration to equip and empower future beauty professionals. Proceeds will provide scholarship opportunities to help future professionals acquire quality education, including access to CIDESCO examinations to qualify for CIDESCO certification. 


Meet Clean Skin Club

Clean Skin Club is a fast-growing company with a strong presence in the industry thanks to their original creation, the Clean Towels. The company was founded in 2019 and quickly found a strong market through social media. It was not long before the product gained popularity in the professional skincare industry with aestheticians and dermatologists. 


ASDSA Members Discover Youths Self-Injecting Filler

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association (ASDSA) altered the public’s view about children buying and using hyaluron pens to inject hyaluronic acid filler into the epidermal and upper dermal layers of the skin. 

ASDSA member Sandra Lee, MD shared, “TikTok is proving to be an extremely powerful platform to communicate, entertain, and educate, which is why many physicians are getting involved and finding success there. Unfortunately, just like the internet, there is misinformation,and this is where the danger lies. It is very concerning to see young people posting a how-to on injecting their own lips with hyaluronic acid serum using an airgun pen, (similar to a BB gun) which pushes the product under the skin. So many things can go wrong.”

ASDSA has contacted the United States Food and Drug Administration with its safety concerns and hopes to work together on keeping medical devices in the hands of trained and properly educated medical professionals. Additionally, ASDSA is alerting state medical and aestheticians boards regarding these patient safety concerns and alerting consumers directly about the risks through social media and other education materials.