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Since the pandemic began, we at Regenix have seen a significant increase in the number of people all over the world speaking about their hair challenges after contracting COVID-19. While the vaccines don’t cause any issue with hair, a common side effect of a COVID-19 infection is a noticeable increase in shedding. It didn’t matter if a client was asymptomatic or if their COVID-19 experience…
The treatment of cellulite is trending with the global cellulite management market sitting at $1.3 billion. As a result, there are many choices when it comes to reducing the appearance of dimples and lumps on skin of the body.1 While it is a normal occurrence, and about 80% to 90% of all women encounter it, the desire for flawless skin causes many women to seek…
In the last couple of years, many parts of the skin care industry faced challenges and took on resources that were greatly unexpected. Education, in a kinetic-learning focused environment, was heavily impacted. When people are required to be separated, and therefore unable to get hands-on experience, they cannot continue to grow their knowledge base. Online, virtual, tele-connecting – call it what you will, but the…

Image Gallery

On the never-to-be-forgotten date September 11th, 2001, I was in Moscow, Russia, watching the twin towers go down on CNN. I continued my tri-country tour with all airports closed, including Ukraine and Germany. In Kyiv, the horror of what happened did not sink in until I stood in front of the vast Ukrainian audience of dermatologists and cosmetologs, as they are called. I burst into…

Melanin Myths

Written by Sonita Michelle
“Black don't crack.” “Black people don’t need sunscreen.” “Black people can't get skin cancer because we have melanin.” As a black woman and experienced licensed aesthetician, I can’t tell you how many times I have had to educate my clients, family, and friends of all races, but specifically my black clients, about the skin myths in our communities. They are hurting us beyond measure. I…

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DennyWhite posted a new discussion17 hours 49 minutes ago

Achieve Excellence with Unleash the...

At, we're your trusted source for academic success in the UAE. Our commitment to delivering top-notch essay writing services sets us...

DennyWhite created a new group 17 hours 54 minutes ago


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Euthanasia by Codapet

Choosing humane dog euthanasia at home allows your beloved companion to find peace in familiar surroundings. This compassionate option ensures your...

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