Options for Sun Damaged Skin

Written by Fredric S. Brandt, M.D.
I would rather not have to write about solutions for sun damaged skin. Ideally, the topic would be obsolete; every client would prioritize sun protection as much as they do brushing their teeth and using deodorant. But they do not. Or they do, but they did not always, and now they are paying the price for their youthful sun sins. As a dermatologist based in…

Treatment Room Modalities: The Necessities

Written by Michelle D’Allaird, L.E.
It is amazing to me how much the skin care profession has changed in just 25 years. Gone are the days of the traditional basic facial treatment. They have replaced with acids, enzymes, peptides, currents, lights and frequencies. It is mind blowing! Just as equally mind blowing can be trying to decide just what to do with it all and which to choose to incorporate…

Skin Types in a Changing World

Written by Susan Etter
The United States is no longer the melting pot that it once was. These days, it is more like an organic, herbal-infused smoothie in a blender. The mixing of various ethnicities and multiple heritages that belong to each individual make it much more difficult to classify someone into one of six Fitzpatrick Skin Type categories. It has long been said that you cannot judge a…

Peels Concepts and Considerations

Written by Alexandra J. Zani
We are living in an era in which most of our clients enter through our doors with a plethora of concerns regarding their skin, especially photo damage, wrinkles and fine lines. Sometimes clients’ conditions are perplexing to even the most experienced skin care professional. How do we approach our clients and their concerns? What methods are we going to use in order to perform a…
Skin and sun: everybody should know by now that this combination is not safe for maintaining the body’s health or its youthful appearance. While some of our clients have certainly gotten the message and live by the sunblock and hat, others are still worshipping the crispy carcass of Coco Chanel and the texture of her alligator handbags.