Cosmetic products are being created on a daily basis. Some are only sold through aestheticians and doctor’s offices, while others are readily available via television shopping channels, infomercials, online retailers, or department stores and drugstores. Consumers often end up feeling confused about who to trust, where to shop, and whether to spend their hard-earned money at the spa or the drugstore. Where is the best…

Fact or Fiction: A tan is needed to show adequate absorption of vitamin D.

Written by Celeste Hilling, CEO, co-founder, and product formulator for Skin Authority
Fiction! Having a tan does not mean you are vitamin D sufficient. In fact, because pigment slows down the absorption of UVB, your natural tan is your body’s way of slowing the production of D.
How many people have heard about face yoga or facial exercises, but are unsure if these methods really work for tightening sagging skin? There are a number of YouTube tutorials, books, and miscellaneous information on the subject available online, which may confuse the general public.
Sun exposure is something everyone needs to stay healthy. Soaking in the warm sun is a relaxing way to enjoy a vacation, but how much sun is too much? With summer in full affect, it is time to consider the truth surrounding the old wives' tale of sun exposure being beneficial for acne.

Fact or Fiction: Bar Soap Ages the Skin

Written by Janel Luu, founder and CEO of Le Mieux Cosmetics
Bar soap is often summarily judged and misunderstood as the villain that hijacks skin's natural moisture factor, leading to signs of aging. However, many bar soaps have undergone a metamorphosis due to formulations that make them anti-aging heroes for many skin conditions.

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