From a young age, clients are introduced to the world of lotions and potions that are meant to keep their faces clear of blemishes and give it that extra plump and glow. While many of them have all the essential products to keep their faces protected thanks to their trusty aestheticians, clients often neglect equally important parts of their skin like the neck, or as…

At-Home Acne: Herbal Solutions

Written by Toni Thomas
The global herbal supplement market was valued at $6.3 billion in 2020. Current market research indicates that herbal extract ingredients, as well as herbal dietary supplements, are expected to continue to rise in consumer demand in 2022. Clients are showing an increased interest in alternative wellness supplements to help shore up immune system and relieve stress. Diet, hormones, and stress in addition to environmental elements…
Clearing acne is one thing, but keeping acne at bay can be equally, if not more daunting of a task. When treating multiethnic skin, skin care professionals need to be aware that there are significant differences between the various phototypes in human skin. What are these differences? How do darker skin tones manage to and stay clear of acne? In January 2021, The Journal of…
The biggest question every new skin care professional considers is what they should specialize in. The other question that comes to mind is whether they are doing a disservice to clients by only focusing on one area. But how do they even know what they are passionate about unless they have a wide variety of experience? {mprestriction ids="3,4,26,18,6,7,8,9,14,18"} THINKING FORWARD Currently, main skin concerns like…
While winter brings shorter days as the Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the sun, the sun’s rays remain ever-present. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or artificial sources can damage skin year-round by resulting in premature aging and adversely affecting the DNA in skin cells. Ultraviolet ray exposure is also cumulative, which increases the risk of skin cancer over time. Ultraviolet B rays are responsible…

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